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SF Strong Poster Competition Flyer Smoke

2020 Poster Competition


Announcing the winners of the SF Strong 2020 Poster Competition! Below, you'll find the winning artists' work, and information about the artists. Download the artwork as official SF Strong posters here to help encourage your community to stay safe and socially distanced. We hope you enjoy!

Jenna Sittler


TEEN_ADULT Winner Jenna Sittler.jpeg

Wearing a mask is crucial to keeping everyone safe during this pandemic; however, some are still not adhering to these 

important guidelines. I chose to wrap the Golden Gate Bridge in a face mask to represent how following these safety measures will protect San Francisco. I also included an icon of someone wearing a mask to show that this is a human issue, and that we must keep caring for each other by taking all precautions.

Words from the Artist

Emily Pan

YOUTH Winner Emily Pan.jpg

In my picture, there is a lot going on, like what is happening right now in this pandemic. There is a shop that has a sign that says “Take out ONLY,” as 


reflected right now in this pandemic. There is another sign that says “Stay SAFE,” and this means try to stay safe to avoid getting COVID-19. In the window of the shop, there is a girl washing her hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and near the window there is a flower pot, as one of the things you can do during this pandemic is gardening. In the second shop, there is a poster that says “BLM,” or “Black Lives Matter,” as these protests are happening during this pandemic, some people are also helping to support African Americans, and support is important during this pandemic. There is a boy using a computer and 

Words from the Artist

is doing social distancing  learning on a computer. In his room, there is a sign that says “WASH hands,” which is also extremely important in this pandemic. There are also street lights on the street, to help with people who need help walking in the dark at night  because there are some people who work at night and need guidance in the dark at night. In the streets, there is a man sweeping the floors with a mask, as he is a person on the front lines, and this is important because without these people, there would be lots of chaos in this pandemic. In the road, there is a woman driving a car with a mask and with a “BLM” sign, showing that she is supporting African Americans as shown in once of the events during this pandemic, there was a social distancing car protesting happening in cars, and she also is smiling at the front lines worker, for she is thankful for what they do. In the sky, there is a sun with a mask and a cloud with a mask, also social distancing in the sky.

AGE 12



SASHA, Age 13

SF Strong 2020 Poster Competition Youth Finalist
SF Strong 2020 Poster Competition Youth Finalist

AGNES, Age 13

2020 SF Strong Poster Competition Teen/Adult Finalist


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Thank you to everyone who submitted to the SF Strong 2020 Poster Competition! We are amazed by the talent and dedication of our SF community, and always inspired by your commitment to keeping San Francisco safe and strong!

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